
Welcome to FAIRly Obsessed!

Fran Fran Follow Aug 01, 2023 · 2 mins read
Welcome to FAIRly Obsessed!
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Hello, and welcome to FAIRly Obsessed, our new blog for all of our Minnesota State Fair adventures!

Over the past 11+ years, since moving (in Katie’s case, back) to Minnesota, the Fabrizio family has been involved in an ever-deepening love affair with the Great Minnesota Get-Together! Those of you who are connected with us on Facebook know that we (Fran, especially) love to create posts detailing our many Fair visits and all of the foods and activities we experience along the way. Fran started writing them as a fun way to capture the memories and his love of the Fair, but over the years the Fair posts have developed somewhat of a cult following from friends and family near and far, and writing and sharing them with you has become one of our annual highlights as a way to stay connected.

For a few years now, Fran has wanted to create a dedicated home for these posts. We’d like to be fully in control of this content that represents over a decade of family journaling. We’re also finding ourselves on Facebook less and less, and the Facebook platform isn’t great for managing large albums of photos or doing long-form blogging.

FAIRly Obsessed is the result of that vision. It’s taken a while to get to this point and it’s still a work in progress, but it feels really great for our Fair blogging to have its very own home!

There are some cons to moving off of Facebook. One is obviously finding the content. We have migrated over all of our past Fair-related posts, and we intend to put links to new posts on Facebook to help you find them. Second is the social engagement. We love seeing all of your comments and talking all things Fair with you! We’ve enabled commenting on the blog (without requiring an account for now - we’ll see if that leads to too much comment spam), and we’ll also still be able to comment and reply through Facebook when we post the links there. We haven’t yet figured out how to do comments on individual images so that’s not possible for now.

Despite some downsides, we’re thrilled that our Fair journals will have a permanent home which we control and which allows us more flexibility moving forward! We hope you enjoy visiting each year to check in on our latest Fair adventures as well as going back through the archives of Fairs gone by. Welcome to FAIRly Obsessed!

Written by Fran Follow
My happy place is wherever I am while holding a Mini Donut Beer.